Are There Gaps in Your Pressure Relief Program? A Critical Part of Your Mechanical Integrity Program
Thursday, May 16, 2024 11:00AM - 12:00PM EDT
Presenters: Phil Henry, P.E. and Nick Plentovich
Pressure relieving systems serve as the last line of defense in protection against potentially catastrophic and deadly overpressure events. The sizing and selection of these devices is done with a great deal of care, considering vessel details, initiating scenarios, design conditions, and many other factors, but often a similar level of care is not applied maintaining the records associated with these critical safety devices.
In this webinar, the goal is to provide an overview of the process of auditing your pressure relieving system including the PRS documentation, PRD installation, PRD inspections, and mitigating deficiencies found during the audit. This auditing process is key to maintaining the integrity of the pressure relieving systems serving as the last line of defense in our facilities.
E²G | The Equity Engineering Group, Inc. leverages technology and industry experience to help its clients by delivering high quality consulting services that combine the disciplines required for full life cycle management to maximizethe efficiency and productivity of plants by managing risk and controlling fixed-equipment costs.
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