Optimizing MAT/MPT Limits for Hydroprocessing Equipment
Thursday, June 20, 2024 11:00AM - 12:00PM EDT
Presenters: Joan Wood, Staff Engineer I; Brain Macejko, P.E., Principal Engineer I
The 2021 edition of API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 (API 579) included several significant technology enhancements to Part 9 Assessment of Crack-like Flaws. These enhancements can be employed in a fracture mechanics-based approach to optimize minimum allowable temperature (MAT) or minimum pressurization temperature (MPT) limits even for equipment subject to toughness degradation mechanisms such as temper embrittlement or hydrogen embrittlement. Optimization of equipment MAT/MPT limits may result in faster unit startups and shutdowns without compromising safety. This webinar will provide a summary of the recent modifications to API 579 Part 9 (and its associated Annexes) and it will highlight several deficiencies with the current procedures that the Fitness-For-Service Joint Committee (FFSJC) is working to resolve. Lastly, the webinar will include several case study examples demonstrating implementation of the updated procedures to establish MAT/MPT limits for various equipment, including heavy wall hydroprocessing reactors.
What You Will Learn:
E²G | The Equity Engineering Group, Inc. leverages technology and industry experience to help its clients by delivering high quality consulting services that combine the disciplines required for full life cycle management to maximizethe efficiency and productivity of plants by managing risk and controlling fixed-equipment costs.
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