Presenter: Nicholas Plentovich
Date: February 20, 2025 | 11:00 AM EST
Two groups within a processing plant rarely interact, but each has a vested interest in the reliability of pressure relief devices. The PSM group performs process hazards analyses (PHAs) to determine the required safeguards a process needs to meet the company’s risk target. A major safeguard for reducing risk is the pressure relief device (PRD), and the PSM group makes critical decisions based on an assumed failure rate for the PRD. The Reliability department, or specifically the Inspection department, is responsible for mechanical integrity of PRDs to ensure that reliability is maintained through a rigorous testing and inspection program. But what testing/inspection frequency should the Inspection department use in order to meet the failure rates assumed by the PSM group during the PHA?
This presentation will explore a two-step approach to setting PRD inspection intervals, which incorporates a simple probability of failure on demand (POFOD) method coupled with quantitative RBI that meets PSM requirements and provides a nice balance between benefits and the resources needed to implement.
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